Privacy Policy

America Now takes your privacy seriously. This policy outlines what information we collect, how the information is stored, how we use the information, and how you can control your information.

Information we collect

We collect any information that is provided to us through your browser or app you use to access the site. In jurisdictions where we are legally required to get your permission before collecting this information, we obtain your permission before doing so. We do not collect any personal information (name, address, email address, etc.).

How this information is stored

The information you share with us may be stored on our servers in log files or databases.

How we use the information

We use this information to improve the site and the content we offer. For instance, if an article about a particular topic is popular, we may produce more content about that topic. Or, if a section of the site is not getting traffic, we may discontinue supporting it. We also share your information with two third-party analytics and ad network companies: Facebook and Google.

To learn more about how Google is using your information please click here.

To learn more about how Facebook is using your information pleaseĀ click here.

Policy questions

If you have any questions about this policy, please contact us at [email protected]