New Jersey Officials Probe Hate Crime After Vandalism at Rutgers Islamic Center

A troubling incident has rocked Rutgers University in New Jersey as an Islamic center on campus fell victim to vandalism during the Muslim holiday of Eid-al-Fitr. Authorities have labeled the act as a potential hate crime, sparking outrage and calls for swift justice.

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Atiya Aftab, the chairwoman of the Center for Islamic Life at Rutgers University, expressed deep concern over the despicable act. She detailed the extent of the damage, including shattered windows, vandalized artwork, broken electronics, and the destruction of a Palestinian flag. Aftab minced no words in denouncing the vandalism as a manifestation of Islamophobia and a targeted attack on the Muslim community at Rutgers.

“This inexcusable act, occurring on our sacred day, is undoubtedly fueled by Islamophobia, is clearly a hate crime targeting our Muslim population at Rutgers,” Aftab declared, highlighting the severity of the situation and the urgent need for accountability.

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The Rutgers University Police Department swiftly launched an investigation into the incident, categorizing it as a burglary, criminal mischief, and bias crime. The incident reportedly occurred around 4:30 a.m. on Wednesday at the center in New Brunswick. Fortunately, no individuals were present at the site when the vandalism took place, sparing potential harm.

New Jersey Attorney General Matt Platkin condemned the incident in unequivocal terms, describing it as “appalling” and vowing to pursue justice. He emphasized that his office, in collaboration with other law enforcement agencies, is fully committed to investigating the matter and holding the perpetrators accountable.

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“Let me be clear: New Jersey will not tolerate acts of hate against the Muslim community,” Platkin asserted, sending a strong message of solidarity and support to those affected by the vandalism. His resolute stance underscores the state’s unwavering commitment to combating bigotry and ensuring the safety of all communities.

The incident has occurred amid a concerning uptick in bias incidents reported across the state, according to Platkin’s office. This troubling trend highlights the pressing need for concerted efforts to address and eradicate hate and discrimination in all its forms. Community leaders, law enforcement agencies, and elected officials must work together to promote unity, tolerance, and mutual respect among all residents.

Photo Credit: NBC News

In response to the vandalism, there has been an outpouring of support and solidarity from various quarters, reaffirming the collective resolve to stand against hate and intolerance. As the investigation unfolds, it is imperative that those responsible for the reprehensible act are swiftly identified and brought to justice. By holding the perpetrators accountable, we send a powerful message that hate has no place in our society and that we stand united against all forms of bigotry.